(Flushing, NY). I will honestly probably be in this area for a year
straight #NYkoreanmissionaries. Ha there is only one Korean District
in the whole mission, so it's not like we can go anywhere else besides
the English program :) it's pretty nice though, I love Flushing!
My homie is back! My companion 김찬우 장로! (Elder Kim). I was in a trio
with him two Transfers ago. He went to the English program for one
Transfer then came straight back! He is from Inchon Korea:) he is
super cool and speaks pretty good English! He is very funny! Can't
wait to be serving with him his Transfer.
My week was pretty uneventful besides that. Just a whole bunch of
meetings! We had a District Leadership meeting with The mission
President, it was just me and 3 District Leaders who were District
leaders for the first time. It was so funny I was the oldest District
Leader there
This week is going to be good! Got to learn some Korean and speak a
lot! Elder Kim will help with that though!
Well sorry there is not much to tell! I am loving New York! This is my
home now! Even though it costs a boat load to do anything... that's
the down part of it. I am enjoying the city, the food is amazing, the
people are great (sometimes), and I love being a missionary!
It's all about Diligence. Work hard and the Lord will reward you.
Thanks for all the love and support! Till next week! 안녕!
🇰🇷Elder Smith🇺🇸
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