Manhattan temple for my 6 month mark!! Wow I've been out for 6 months
it's kind of crazy to think about! This week was Elder Jarman's 5th
week on the mission. So........ Elder Ha and I made him lead this week
as part of his training! It was so fun! Partly because at times he
didn't know how to get around the city haha ;) we took wrong buses,
almost took the wrong subway train... he also had to lead a Korean
lesson and had to tell us what we were gonna do each day! :) it was a
great experience for him and he grew so much from it!
Our Trio is pretty awesome I would have to say! Sorry about emails
haha I should probably start writing these bad boys out in the
morning! I'll do better next week I promise! I also have a ton of
pictures to send!
Hope everyone is enjoying life! It is still hard to find
investigators! We found an old 80 year old man that is super nice! His
name is 권 도영 or brother Kwan for everyone else ;) hopefully everything
starts going well. We have met with him twice so far! The work is
great I am having so much fun!
I can honestly say now even only after being out for 6 months: I can't
come back the same person anymore. The mission has changed me so much!
Honestly I have a changed view on everything. How I treat others and
how I can trust God more than ever. Everything I do anything I ask for
I know God will answer and help me!
I love you all! Till next time!!
🇰🇷Elder Smith🇺🇸
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