Forgot the Thank you's last week!
My family! (I love them so much)
The Brown's
Emma (Elder Kim says thank you too!)
And shout out to Shae for the Valentine's Day photo album! It was so amazing!
And everyone in the pictures!!!
You know who you are! 

Love you all so much!
Well this week has been good! Nothing really interesting or crazy. Tuesday we had interviews with President! That was super good. I love President and Sister Reynolds. They are honestly such big role models and they care so much for their missionaries. So grateful to have them for my whole mission (besides the last two weeks... they go home before me;)).
Friday I went on exchanges with Elder Ha. So I went to their apartment and Elder Jarman came to ours with Elder Kim. We had fun and proselyted a lot. We found a nice park with Koreans so we may have to hit that up again. We can only keep Koreans so we have to find the little neighborhoods and pools where there is a high concentration of Koreans.
Sunday our District went to a meeting with our mission leader, Branch President, Mission President, and the stake President. This meeting was only for our District and Branch on how we can get the work moving in the Korean Branch. There was a lot of authority there.... pretty intimidating.
Also we only have this week left in the Transfer... so of course we are going to try to make some predictions! We have a new Elder coming in, his name is Elder Blackford. So Elder Kim and I have the best chance of training him. Elder Jarman will be the companion of whoever is not training and we think that Elder Ha will leave for a while and go to the English program. Sisters stay the same ( Sister Hilliard and Kim) that's our District;) But they are predictions so we will see what happens next week lol.
I have learned a lot this last week! And honestly it comes down to.... I need to do better. I have always taken things for granted in my life. My family, friends, sports, and school. All those things I just had/did. The mission has really helped me notice how ungrateful I was. I didn't work as hard as I could have in sports, in school. I didn't work the hardest for my family or friends. That gives me a sense of regret. I can't undo the past and try to fix it.... but I can improve and work on the future. I plan on working hard for everything now. I've been slacking on the language... thinking that I'm Korean, I grew up with it, it'll come to me. Yep well that's Satan all right! He's telling me to just settle, to wait, it'll come... I realize that I have been lying to myself for a fourth of my mission! Now I'm never going to settle for less!
Sorry that last paragraph was probably just a jumble of thoughts but I guess that is how everything feels right now haha. Just a jumbled life right now:D I'll send videos so you can see my face!