great! This week I said goodbye to my first trainer Elder Lee, he is
now in Washington probably taking lots of naps, this work is hard!
Elder Lee was honestly so great and worked super hard every minute
until he left! He helped me and showed me that this work and this life
is not about us. Even though throughout life we may think that we need
this or that, but it is always about Christ our Lord. He has given so
much to us and because of him we can return and live with God and our
families forever.
This week we had a couple couple lessons with a investigator, member,
recent convert, and less active. They are all so great and we see a
lot of potential and faith in all of them. It is so great to be here
in New York to be learning and speaking this language! I am surrounded
by natives who help so much with the language! :) Elder Kim my
companion is so awesome and helps with the language so much. Also
Sister Kim came this last week from Korea and she is so helpful with
the language also! :)
The new district is awesome of course! Everyone is very ambitious and
works super hard. We are seeing a lot of progress in the Branch, but
the Branch is still weak and some lack strong testimonies. There is a
lot of work to do. We have to get the members to be invested and want
to do missionary work.
For all of you back home I just want to tell you that the best
mithe members do not support the missionaries and can
not trust them, then the work in that ward/branch is slowed
incredibly. So as missionaries it is our opportunity and privilege to
love our members and to show them that they can trust us. I know
there are some things in every ward and Branch that make members doubt
missionaries. Forgiveness is always real though, people and
missionaries can change.
I love this work so much, and I love being in New York! I am also
preparing for this winter lolol :D it will be a rough winter here. It
is already getting super windy and cold.
I also went to the ocean this week and got a couple pictures as we
were proselyting at a park.
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