about! This week flew by so quickly! Elder Kim had a birthday on
Saturday and that was really fun! The sisters bought 2 big pizza's and
a really nice cake! Honestly this week just went by so fast I don't
even know what happened haha :)
I am having a lot of fun on my mission! I have learned a lot at this
point being in a trio! I have learned that obedience is key! Not only
obedience but exact obedience! You can still do things by being
obedient, but it's when you are exactly obedient that the blessings
come! If you are exactly obedient in life to your covenants with God,
to the commandments, in a church calling, or for me in missionary
work. Then you are showing God that he can trust you. And once you
show that will and obedience he will bless you with so many
opportunities. So I challenge all of you to do your best, to work
hard and be obedient!
So I have learned a lot about the scriptures as I have been out on the
mission and I've also learned some mind blowing things (but that will
be saved for later discussions ;) ). Maybe some deep doctrine things
that aren't so great but hey it's all fun ;) but no, I was reading in
the scriptures today and I read in 3 Nephi 26:
6 And now there cannot be written in this book even a hundredth part
of the things which Jesus did truly teach unto the people;
11 Behold, I was about to write them, all which were engraven upon the
plates of Nephi, but the Lord forbade it, saying: I will try the faith
of my people.
People ask I need more or there are more things that I can know. I
mean shoot everyone here in New York literally just worships the
Bible. They worship the Bible more than they do their Savior Jesus
Christ. We ask them, who are you actually reading and studying about
as you read the Bible? They honestly love their Bible more than they
do the Savior.
And as I have been here I wanted to know more, learn more, and for my
language know everything... this Korean language is honestly my
biggest trial right now. But of course as the Lord said in 3 Nephi "I
will try the faith of my people."
He is for sure trying me! I would do anything to know this language
right now!!!!! Wow it's frustrating at points, but I know it is all
for a reason!!
I love you all and I love your support and words of encouragement!
Have a great week!!!!
Elder Brenkman is Chinese speaking, but ordered a Korean name tag. LOL!!
Elder Kim's birthday
The District
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