Korean speaking is hard here in New York. A lot of Koreans are hard hearted and are stuck with their own church and beliefs. Just searching for the one who is open and ready to listen. It is hard work, but I have a positive attitude. The key is having fun with missionary work. I learned to not make it a job, to make New York my home, and to make the members and the people my family. We have found a lot of people but we always have to hand them over to the other missionaries because they are not Korean. In our zone we have Korean, Spanish, English, and Chinese. If we find someone, we have to send them over to the other missionaries.
It is good though, we do a lot of knocking and street contacting. I actually like knocking, I think it's fun, wondering who will be on the other side of that door haha. So far the mission is good, but it is very hard. I have gotten discouraged many times now, but I always remember that God is there, that he will help me.
I have had great days and horrible days. Happy days and sad days.
Being in the field and in New York is a whole different experience from the MTC. The MTC was fun and you just followed the schedule and did whatever. Here it's real life, real people, and you aren't surrounded by missionaries everyday. I don't get to study Korean like in the MTC. So I have to find ways to speak it a lot.
It's a good thing I have a native companion who is better at both Korean and English 😂. For anyone who doesn't know, my trainer is Elder Lee. He is from Washington state. He was born in Korea lived there for 10 years, so he is super good. He does the translations for the Korean people during stake conference, and sometimes for English speaking people who come to our sacraments. He is super good and I am learning a lot of how to speak normally, and not the super honorific form that we learned in the MTC.
Also my district is so good at Korean and can help me a lot. The other trainer is from Korea also so he helps a lot. The sisters are in a trio and they are very good at Korean. There is a half Korean, Sister Fitt who was just like me coming into the mission not knowing a ton of Korean but hearing it around the house.
Heard the ward boundaries got all crazy!! That is too bad, but I know things happen for a reason. I know our ward got moved into 3 different wards. That's really hard. I love all of you and thank you so much for all you do for me. I know the Lord is protecting you all.
This week I have drawn so much closer to my God. He is there, and truly loves all of us. These last two weeks have been so hard for me, but it is only there to make me stronger I love you all!!!!
사랑해요! - 스미스 장로
- Elder Smith
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